Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why Currency of the Heart?

In my dream an angel shrugged and said, 
“If we fail this time it will be a failure of imagination.” 
and then she placed the world gently in the 
palm of my hand.

This message was on a Story People card. ( It captivated my imagination. I ordered hundreds of these cards and sent them to many over the years. Perhaps I influenced a few but mostly I was influenced by the message myself.

It is time now, for me, to tell the stories of kindness I see in the world, hoping that the kindness in these stories will become contagious and spread like a virus.

What Does Currency of the Heart Mean?
Watch the Valentine's Day Montage and find out.

*(Click the [  ] box on bottom right corner of video to play as full screen)

 The kindness in my community during the flood this fall was outstanding. When friends of mine heard my neighborhood was being evacuated they called and said, “Pack your bags and come here – stay as long as you need to stay”. My neighbors offered me keys to their homes, telling me to come in any time - make coffee, tea get warm, rest. Someone put a Christmas wreath on my house when I wasn’t able to live there. Someone else left a bag of oranges and grapefruits for me. Another friend offered me her condo for as long as I needed it, saying, she wouldn’t be there all winter.

 Choose Kindness is the Fairfield Public Library’s theme for the one book one town effort and a blue T-shirt is on display and for sale with the words - Choose Kindness. That is the idea behind Currency of the Heart. May we all be inspired to Choose Kindness. In large and small ways kindness is the Currency of the Heart.

Today is Valentines Day we are launching the Currency of the Heart Blog today. The following week we will post the first story.  At the UNCSW 57 in NYC on March 2, we will distribute a Currency of the Heart nondenominational bill as a request for stories.

We believe that by telling stories of kindness and generosity that we will increase the kindness we see in the world by spreading the currency of the heart.

The stories will be as simple as a woman in the supermarket saying to me “Here take my chicken” after she heard me asking if there were any more cooked chickens. Or a girl growing her hair for Locks of Love, Or Bill And Melinda Gates starting the Gates Foundation or Women Moving Millions or my granddaughter crocheting hats to raise money for the local animal shelter.

All these acts of kindness or generosity and everything in between is an act of spending currency of the heart. The heart moves us to do kind things and heart energy creates an electric magnetic field that is contagious. When we witness an act of generosity, we smile and when we smile we feel better and people looking at us smile too and they feel better. Kindness is contagious. Why not spread something that creates good feelings in our homes and communities. Maybe it will catch on and be good for our world.


1 comment:

  1. Rosemary, I often use the phrase in my own teaching: "We will never achieve what we can't imagine..." And of course, we also have to ACT on those highest intentions and finest visions and bring them life. Lovely to read your blog and see what you are envisioning and achieving.
    Stephanie Dowrick
