11-Year-Old Philanthropist
Lets Her Fingers Do the Fundraising
Lets Her Fingers Do the Fundraising
Philanthropy, fashion and fun intertwined when
11-year-old Emma Geertgens hooked her friends, her grandmother and even her
brother into helping crochet hats to raise money for the Burlington County
Animal Shelter www.friendsofbcas.org/
When Emma’s family was looking for a family pet, they
had visited the Burlington County Animal Shelter in Westhampton,NJ. Emma was surprised and saddened to see so
many animals waiting to be adopted. The
family eventually adopted a big, sad-eyed boxer named Betty, and Emma never
forgot the trip. A Currency of the Heart
seed was planted during that visit.
Completely engaged in life, Emma is always playing
field hockey, roller-skating or biking. At home she is baking, reading, writing
poetry, practicing the cello and crocheting.
Emma crocheted a stylish hat that all her friends
loved. When she realized how popular the hats were becoming, Emma decided to
sell her creations at the local Christmas fair to raise money for the animal
Instinctively Emma connected the dots. Her love of
animals, the popular hats, and her enjoyment of a holiday fair in years past
pulled all the pieces of the project together.
A designer, entrepreneur and a philanthropist emerged.

After enlisting the help of friends and family last November,
Emma set up a table at her local holiday fair and offered her hats for sale
from inventory and made-to-order in additional colors.

No one could have been happier than Emma, except of
course, the folks at the shelter. Emma had turned her Currency of the Heart into cold, hard cash to support abandoned
Rosemary Williams launched Currency of the Heart to inspire readers to “pay it forward” from
the heart’s most precious currency. We’d love to hear from you! To share your
story or to request permission to republish this blog post, please email rosemarycwilliams@gmail.com.
© 2013 Rosemary Williams
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